M.A. Anne Hennings

University of Münster
Department of Political Science
Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development
Period of fellowship: 01.01.-31.03.2018
Anne Hennings is research fellow at the University of Muenster and works on micropolitics of contested land deals in post-war contexts. On the one hand, her research focuses on how the experience of war and violence influences activists and their choice of mobilization today. Anne thereby considers gender dynamics and puts special emphasis on the role of ex-combatants in (non-violent) resistance and the resulting renegotiation of their place within society. On the other hand, she examines the impact of large-scale land deals on ongoing dynamics of conflict transformation and reconciliation.
Her work is related to the fields of critical agrarian studies and geography, movement studies, conflict transformation, and peacebuilding. Regionally, Anne works on Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.
Recently, she concluded 18-months ethnographic field research in Cambodia and Sierra Leone and was visiting fellow at the Heinrich-Boell-Foundation in Phnom Penh as well as at the Fourah Bay College in Freetown. Her notion of research includes a close collaboration with civil society and activists.
Latest publications:
2017. ‘With Soymilk to the Khmer Rouge: Challenges of Researching Ex-Combatants in Post-war Contexts.’ International Peacekeeping Online. doi: 10.1080/13533312.2017.1358621.
2017. ‘Governance by Contract from a Perspective of Power.’ In The Politics of Private Transnational Governance by Contract, edited by Cutler, Claire A.; Dietz, Thomas, 57-75. London: Routledge. [with Fuchs, Doris]
2016. ‘Land Acquisitions in Post-Conflict Countries.’ In Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, edited by Thompson Paul B., Kaplan David M., 1-6. 2. Aufl. Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-6167-4_588-1.