1 Dietz, Kristina & Engels, Bettina (2016): Umkämpfter Rohstoffboom: Akteure und Strategien in Konflikten um Bergbau in Subsahara-Afrika und Lateinamerika, in: Fischer, Karin/ Jäger, Johannes & Schmidt, Lukas (Hg.): Rohstoffe und Entwicklung. Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen im historischen Kontext, Wien: new academic press. 220-234
On the book
Resources are not only scarce and contested but often also part of a dirty business. Pictures of miners in South America and Africa are omnipresent.
The availability of resources influences the development processes and the way of living in North and South. Resource prices are very volatile and during the last years, we witnessed an excessive boom at the commodity exchanges followed by a deep crisis.
Contestations over the access to resources and the distribution of resource revenues are central aspects of regional and local conflict constellations within the context of different development models.
The presented volume reveals the economical, political and ecological correlations of resource extraction and consumption. Therefore, not only the local case-specific conflicts and individual resource agreements are presented, but they are also contextualised into (global) historical continuities and discontinuities. The authors, trained in different disciplines, exemplarily examine the underlying causes for the resource boom and crisis and their effects in several countries and regions. They analyse the strategies of various actors at national and international level and describe the conflicts over resources within their local context.
This volume provides insights into historical, development theoretical and development political perspectives on resource politics and asks for possible alternatives to a resource intense development path.